

The best of the hybrid cloud thanks to our roadmap


ICT is an indispensable component of all of your business processes. ICT therefore determines the success of your organization. An ICT infrastructure that fully supports your company's vision, strategy and objectives is therefore essential. The times when we simply had to build an on-premise infrastructure are now behind us. More and more companies choose a hybrid solution. Specific applications and data remain on premise or in a partner system while others enjoy the flexibility of the public cloud.

Workload Deployment Shifts to the Clouds

90% of organizations will have gone hybrid by 2020

IDC research has shown that the cloud segment continues to rise at the expense of traditional on-premise data centers. Gartner has confirmed this trend towards a hybrid cloud strategy. Researchers expect that about 90% of all companies will have adopted a hybrid model by 2020.

Evolve with your business

How should you organize your infrastructure after a merger or acquisition? Does it meet the business requirements? To cloud or not to cloud? The ICT Infrastructure Roadmap answers all these questions.

Which cloud suits you best?

We developed the Cloud Roadmap to answer this question correctly. Which approach is best to meet your organization's needs? What added value does the cloud bring to your organization? We will work with you to determine what the cloud can do for your organization. We will guide you through the bewildering range of options currently available for the cloud. Based on this, you will receive a cloud roadmap that is populated with clearly defined and budgeted projects and is tailored to your business.

cloud roadmap
Interesting hybrid scenarios

Or a mix of different clouds

A hybrid cloud allows you to exploit the advantages of each solution and combine them in a tailored solution for your company. We can distinguish several interesting cloud scenarios. 

  • Secure Hybrid Identity as a first step in data protection and also a necessity in the context of GDPR
  • Business Continuity: Backup, Disaster Recovery & Archiving
  • Connected Company
  • Data Insights
  • Dev/test
  • Storage
  • Chatbot
  • Hybrid monitoring

Whichever cloud you choose, we provide solutions for security, networking and identity.

However, one of the biggest challenges is the complexity of a hybrid architecture. Integrating different cloud solutions with regard to connectivity and security is not easy. We also provide the necessary guidance and solutions in this respect.


Realdolmen provides security within a company-wide, overarching vision. As a large company, Realdolmen does not have to limit itself to one technology and can offer you all levels of security:

  • End user: authentication, anti-virus, secure hybrid identity
  • Organization: firewalls, email and data security
  • Business: policy preparation, GDPR


Organizations are facing a very specific challenge. They need a high-performance network infrastructure to optimally support their growth. Their highest priorities are the management and support of a wide range of devices and continuous improvement of the network. Increase your productivity with our networking solutions. Are you looking for a replacement for your wired network? Realdolmen will provide the right solution for your organization with a Wi-Fi Site survey.


The software-defined concept offers a new level of scalability and efficiency. The logic of data center components – such as routers, switches and firewalls – is no longer embedded in the equipment. Thanks to software-defined networking, the logic can be removed partially or completely from the node and placed in a different location. Routers, switches and firewalls are no longer seen as separate boxes. The new virtual routers, switches and firewalls run on a virtual machine.

The road to success

Are you ready for the cloud? We provide independent advice and customized guidance at every stage of your cloud project.
Strategy and plan services

Analysis and planning

We will work with you to determine the requirements and possibilities for your organization. You can contact us for simple introductory options to extensive roadmaps.




After the analysis, Realdolmen will take care of the solution's implementation. We have all the necessary expertise and knowledge to implement a cloud solution from start to finish based on your needs.



    Of course Realdolmen can also offer support for your cloud environment after the implementation. Our services range from simple reactive support to complete outsourcing plans.


    Would you like more information or do you have any questions? Our experts are here for you!

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